
Welcome Evening

At the beginning of the year the P&C runs a Welcome Evening for kindergarten parents and others new to the school. We provide information on our association as well as providing a friendly social environment to meet new people.

Trash and Treasure

A community market that anyone can be a part of. Sell your old things out of the boot of your car or set up a stall for your home business. Food vendors also attend.

We usually just need help setting up the site on the morning.

Easter Raffle

Before the Easter Hat Parade each year, a mufti day is held for students where they bring in a chocolate egg or bunny as ‘payment’ for wearing mufti. The P&C collects these items, bundles them and raffles them off. The raffle is drawn on the day of the parade.

For this we need helpers to make egg bundles and baskets, sell raffle tickets, collect raffle tickets and distribute prizes on the day.

Mothers’ and Others’ Day BBQ Breakfast

On the Friday morning before Mothers’ Day we have a bacon and egg roll breakfast for Mothers and Others.

For this we need male helpers to count the orders and money, set up the BBQs and tables, cook and serve the bacon and eggs, pour juice, supervise the tea and coffee table, squeeze sauce and clean up afterwards.

Fathers’ and Others’ Day BBQ Breakfast

The same as Mothers’ Day but female helpers only.

Election Day BBQs

Our Johnny Warren Memorial Hall is used as a voting centre for various election days. We try to do a BBQ for morning and lunch, it’s a good opportunity to meet the wider community. We also sometimes run a Cake Stall.

For this we need helpers to set up the BBQs and tables, collect money, cook and serve the food and clean up afterwards.

Healthy Lifestyles Challenge / Walkathon

The P&C initiated this event in an effort to encourage a healthy and active lifestyle in the school community. Children are sponsored per lap they complete.

Parents help to cut up fruit on the morning of the Walkathon.

Art Show

We sometimes do a BBQ or provide other food for the Art Show.

For this we need helpers to count the orders and money, set up the BBQs and tables, cook and serve the sausages in a roll, squeeze sauce and clean up afterwards.